Making collaboration a habit in healthcare

Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) was founded in 1844. With 8,000 staff, 45 health departments and 16 specialist centres, today it's one of Singapore's largest multi-disciplinary hospitals.

Why Workplace?

With staff spread out across multiple buildings and within the community, and its internal communication system comprising emails, shared folders, intranet and meetings, TTSH knew it needed a mobile-first solution to connect its evolving workforce. In 2016, TTSH embraced Workplace from Meta, becoming the first hospital in the world to do so.


“Nurses are the largest part of our workforce at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. With nurses working in different shifts and sites, Workplace helps us to nurture a connected community while the hospital becomes larger and increasingly complex.”

Yong Keng Kwang
Chief Nurse at Tan Tock Seng Hospital


claimed accounts

Powering everyday tasks

One of TTSH's most popular groups is one that's jointly run by the Facilities Management, Housekeeping, Security and Office Admin teams. In the past, reporting physical defects around the hospital meant calling a hotline or emailing a helpdesk. With Workplace, they can snap a picture of a leaky air conditioner, share it to the group, and know that the relevant team will respond quickly. The group also allows staff to express public appreciation for the workers rectifying the defects, which would never have been possible with a faceless hotline.

Nursing course communications have also been moved entirely onto Workplace. Nurses and administrators can now stay connected after completing a course and consult their clinical instructors as they put their new skills to use.

Ongoing learning and improvement

Patient safety is a cornerstone of TTSH's values, and keeping staff updated on new practices, processes and standards is crucial. With over 35% of staff actively using Workplace, that learning can be continuous and lightweight. Managers run polls and quizzes in groups, and spread learning material virally through the News Feed to engage staff with relevant information, while making sure the right lessons stick.

In 2017, a campaign was created on Workplace called Challenge-A-Rule, which invited improvement suggestions from staff of all departments and levels of seniority. A total of 15 hospital rules and processes were challenged, from patient care to HR policies.

Automating the future

TTSH has introduced three bots to automate processes within the hospital, so that staff can spend less time doing admin and more time caring for and saving lives.

The Directory bot allows people to search for clinic hotlines on the go, and the Translation bot provides department names and designations in all four of Singapore’s national languages. The Short Form bot allows staff to check the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations through Work Chat, or in a post or comment. The Pharmacy Drug Search bot will act as a virtual library of drug names, manufacturer information, and images of packaging and medication. All of these bots are helping TTSH better fulfil its mission to serve, care and heal.

Key Features


Connect to the tools you’re already using.


Connect to the tools you’re already using.


Work together in 91 languages at the touch of a button.