Groups are collaboration spaces where work gets done. Assign tasks, share feedback, tag colleagues and post updates. You can create as many groups as you need – all with secure file sharing and unlimited storage.

Open, closed or secret groups. Your choice

Open, closed or secret groups. Your choice

Choose whether your group should be open, closed or secret. This helps you manage access and make sure the right people can get to the information they need.

Don’t just take our word for it. People love using Workplace Groups because they empower teams and individuals across entire organizations to get more work done.

“We use Workplace Groups to share real-time feedback with the rest of the organization. We get daily details that can be easily worked out. This greatly improves our customer experience.”

“We use Workplace Groups to share real-time feedback with the rest of the organization. We get daily details that can be easily worked out. This greatly improves our customer experience.”

– Fabián Kon, CEO, Banco Galicia

“Our teams are using Workplace Groups to share, get feedback and input from a multitude of stakeholders in real-time.”

“Our teams are using Workplace Groups to share, get feedback and input from a multitude of stakeholders in real-time.”

– Samuel Monnie, Director, Marketing Capabilities, Campbell

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